People of Detroit
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Jacques L'Anglois
Held lot #15 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
Paul L'Anglois
Held lot #47 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
Held lot #63 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
A soldier in Cadillac's garrison at Fort Ponchartrain.
Catherine L'Esprit
Wife of Louis Veziere dit Laferte. Daughter of Claude L'Esprit. Owned a farm 2.5 arpents wide on the north side of the Detroit River.
La Barre, Governor of New France
Governor of New France from 1682 - 1684
La Bute
Voted in Detroit's first election in 1768.
la Giroflee
A soldier in Cadillac's garrison at Fort Ponchartrain.
Francois La Marque
One of two men to whom de Tonty gave exclusive trading rights in Fort Ponchartrain.
La Montagne
Held lot #42 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
la Roze
A soldier in Cadillac's garrison at Fort Ponchartrain.
Jean Labatier dit Champagne
Held lot #11 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
Dominique Labrosse
Signed a petition supporting the election of Philip Dejean as judge and justice of Detroit.
John Ladue
Born: 1803Died: 1854
24th Mayor of the City of Detroit (1850-1851); came to Detroit from New York in 1847
Signed a petition supporting the election of Philip Dejean as judge and justice of Detroit.
A. Langan
One of thirty leading Detroit citizens deported by General Proctor for criticizing the General's actions during the War of 1812.
George C. Langdon
Born: 183338th Mayor of the City of Detroit (1878-1879)
Emeric Lannoo
Born: 1871Died: 1957
Emeric Lannoo was an immigrant from Zwevezele, West Flanders, Belgium. Lannoo owned a farm on the land that currently houses St. John's Hospital and the 7-Mack Shopping Center. Before buying that land, Lannoo owned a farm near Gratiot and 6 Mile. When that area started being developed, he sold the land. A Montgomery Wards store may have been built on that spot. Lannoo also built houses. He died in 1957 in Grosse Pointe Farms.
Jacob Lansing
Voted in Detroit's first election in 1768.
A soldier in Cadillac's garrison at Fort Ponchartrain.
Agatha Laselle
Wife of Hyacinthe Reaume.
Jean Laumet, (Sieur de Cadillac?)
Cadillac's father
Jean le Blanc
Born: 1675AKA: Outoutagan / Ottoutagan / Jean Le Bland. Ottawa Chief.
Antoine Le Moine
Governor of Cayenne
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Charles Le Moine, Baron de Longueville
Father of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Francois Le Moine, Sieur de Bienville
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Gabriel Le Moine
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Jacques Le Moine
Held lot #65 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
Jacques Le Moine, Sieur de Ste. Helene
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Jean Baptiste Le Moine, Sieur de Bienville
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Joseph Le Moine, Sieur de Serigny
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Louis Le Moine, Sieur de Chateauguay
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Marie Genevieve (de Joybert) Le Moine
Wife of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Paul Joseph Le Moine, Chevalier de Longeuil, Sieur de Maricourt
Born: 09-19-1701Died: 05-12-1778
Tenth official commandant of Fort Ponchartrain
Pierre Le Moine, Sieur d'Iberville
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Rene Le Moine
Held lot #64 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
Charles Le Moine (II), Baron de Longueville
Brother of Paul Joseph le Moine, tenth commandant of Fort Ponchartrain.
Marie Le Page
Held lot #59 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
le Pezant (or Pesant)
Ottawa Chief who was was jailed by Cadillac who then helped him "escape" after an Ottawa attack on a Miami village near Fort Ponchartrain in 1706.
Marie Ann Leclaire
Mother of Louis Veziere dit Laferte. Wife of Pierre Veziere.
Henry Ledyard
Born: 03-05-1812Died: 06-07-1880
28th Mayor of the City of Detroit (1855-1856)
J.M. Legare
Signed a petition supporting the election of Philip Dejean as judge and justice of Detroit.
Pierre Leger dit Parisien
Held lot #06 of the original 68 land grants Cadillac made to private individuals from March 1707 to June 1710.
Gabriel Christoph LeGrand, Sieur de Sintre
A notary serving French settlers in British Fort Detroit. He had a reputation for incompetence and didn't hold the job for long. Later he was notary at Kaskaskia where he completed screwed up the land deed records.
J.M. Legras
Citizen of British Detroit.
Richard Beringer Lernoult
Tenth official commandant of British Fort Detroit (1774-1779).
Alexander Lewis
Born: 10-24-182237th Mayor of the City of Detroit (1876-1877)
Gordon W. Lloyd
Architect of Central Methodist Church.
John C. Lodge
51st, 54th and 56th Mayor of the City of Detroit (1922-1923, 1924, 1927-1929).
Stephen Lynch
Signed a petition supporting the election of Philip Dejean as judge and justice of Detroit.
Archibald Lyon
One of thirty leading Detroit citizens deported by General Proctor for criticizing the General's actions during the War of 1812.