People of Detroit:
Louis Joliet
Louis Joliet, brother of Adrien Joliet, was born in Quebec on September 21, 1645. He attended the Jesuit College in Quebec. In 1667 (or 68), Joliet left clergy-life to become a trader.
Much confusion surrounds the adventures of the brothers' Joliet. Some sources attribute certain adventures to Louis, while others attribute the same to Adrien. I believe that it was Adrien Joliet who, along with Jean Pere set out in 1669 to find rumored copper mines on the shore of Lake Superior. It is possible that the men passed through the straits of Detroit on their voyage - thus making them candidates as the first non-Native Americans to visit the area.
Louis Joliet is most known for his explorations of the Mississippi River. On May 13, 1673, he and Father Jacques Marquette set out to discover the river's mouth. They succeeded on June 17, 1673 (some say it was 1674). Louis Joliet died in May of 1700 in Canada.
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